Running Shorts Summer 2020
by Rick Hart
Hopefully we are over the hump of the corona virus and all of our efforts have flattened the curve enough to make a difference. Group runs were started again on June 7th and will continue with some precautions in place. Many were without a job for several weeks while others worked from home. Fortunately I was able to run / bike on a regular schedule. I averaged 101 miles running and 140 biking for March, April and May! I hope you were able to get and enjoy the outdoors!
Since the Mill Creek Metroparks have decided to prohibit cabin rentals through January 11th, 2021, we will not have our same scheduled runs from our Race Booklet and our calendar. The YRRC Board will be meeting soon to discuss alternative options for winter club runs and will post an update soon.
Stay safe and healthy and we’ll all get through this together!
“Cancelled? Races can be cancelled, running cannot be cancelled, it is essential!”
Rick Hart